欧盟委员会 (European Commission):Advanced Methods in Building Diagnostics and Maintenance

“Advanced Methods in Building Diagnostics and Maintenance”, 课题负责人(Co-PI),71.6万欧元, 2013.01-2016.12

Project description: Buildings consume more than 42 % of the energy in Europe. Efficient building automation systems can reduce their energy consumption of up to 30 %. In order to sustainably archive this goal a continuous commissioning and maintenance of the building automation system is eminent. 

The proposed project AMBI focuses on the advanced building diagnostics and prognostics, enhanced by virtual sensors and theoretically founded in the theory of the Stochastic Hybrid Systems (SHS). This scope relies on extraordinary achievements of the three participants and provides an interesting space, both open and focused, for mutual sharing of the expertise. The major objective of proposed project consists in application of diagnostics and prognostics for optimized maintenance. This objective will be achieved by cooperation of participants, combining their rich background, focusing on generality while the functionality will be demonstrated on illustrative examples during the whole project.

The major objective of the project is to enhance the facility management with information enabling efficient decision making about maintenance actions that optimize the building operation. The ultimate objective is to propose specific actions; the minimum objective is to alert over abnormal situations.